About Cow:
When the surabhi cows first manifested from the aroma of ambrosial
nectar they performed severe penance for 100,000 years for the purpose of
acquiring the spiritual merit to be the foremost of all things needed for the
performance of Vedic rituals and ceremonies; thus only from cow milk
exclusively is sanctified ghee produced for the performance of Vedic rituals.
Whatever is produced from any and all other types of milk is not
authorised by Vedic scriptures and thus not being sanctioned by the Vedas can
never be used in any Vedic rituals or ceremonies.
At the conclusion of the surabhi cows austerities Brahma himself appeared before them and granted their wishes blessing them with the benediction that cows would eternally be the sustainers of all creatures.
Importance of Cow-Dung:
Besides, gau-mutra is a well known disinfectant. Anti-septic
property is also the attribute of cow dung (gobar) which is mixed with clay to
form a plastering medium for mud huts. It is a proven fact that mud huts
plastered with gobar keeps insects and reptiles away. This is the reason why
people in the countryside still store grain in huge earthen pots plastered with
gobar and gau mutra to keep it free from insect manifestations.
In many ways we use
cow-dung. Some of them are as given below:
Brass polisher - Tamarind removes oxidation - wet ashes
Fertilizer - Alkaline - cow dung ash is basically
lime with a few other mineral mixed in.
Fertilizer - Composting makes it even more powerful.
Floor coating - Used mixed with mud and water on floors
in mud houses. It improves water absorption of mud. Hence, prevents muddy
puddles resulting from spilt water.
Fuel - Cow dung patties (gootte) for cooking.
Heat source - Cow dung is naturally hot -compost makes
hotter put in glass house to heat glass house or run pipes thru it to get hot
Mud additive - Dries up slippery mud puddles.
Mud brick additive - Mud and lime (cow dung ashes) becomes
like cement.
Pond PH balancer - Thrown into pond neutralizes acid.
Pot cleaner - Used dry absorbs oil and fat wet as a
general cleaner.
Purifier - Natural antiseptic qualities.
Seed protector - Covering seeds in dung before planting
helps to protect against pests.
Skin tonic - Mixed with crushed neem leaves smeared
on skin - good for boils and heat rash.
Smoke producer - Smoldering cow patties keep away
mosquitoes. Can also make smoked paneer over such smoke & ash - from
patties used in cooking.
Tooth polish – Its ash used as good tooth polisher.
Panchagabya – The mix of milk, curd, ghee, cow-dung,
In Skanda Purana, Shri Vishnu explains to Narada as to how to perform the Satyanarayana Puja - "The place of worship must be anointed with COW DUNG first & then decorated with Rangoli (colorful designs made with rice flour) of five colors, and a new cloth must be spread, there after only the Puja can be done."
Chaitanya Mahaprabhu confirms in “Sri Chaitanya Charitamrita adi
lila”, chapter 17 verse 166:
"go-ange yata loma tata sahasra vatsara
go-vadhi raurava-madhye pace nirantar."
Cow killers and cow eaters are condemned to rot in hell for as many thousands of years as there are for each hair on the body of every cow they eat from. Cows are superior to all yogis and ascetics and because of this liberated divine being perform their austerities in the company and presence of cows.
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