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04 June 2013

Magic No. Three (3)

The Mystery of Three (3)


The greatest thought in the world is - GOD.

G - Generate
O - Operate
D - Destruct

 God                -           Omnipresent / Omnipotent / Omniscient

Tridev              -           Bramha / Bishnu / Maheswar

Trimurty          -           Jagannath / Balabhadra / Subhadra

Trinetra            -           Chandra / Surya / Aagni

Trisakha           -           Ram / Balaram / Sudama

Trilochana       -           Shivashankar

Trinatha           -           Shivashankar  

Trisula             -           Weapon of Shiva

Trirupa             -           Satyam, Sivam, Sundaram

Tribhuban        -           Swarga, Martya, Patala (Tripura)   
Triyoga            -           Bhakti yoga, Karma yoga, Jana yoga

Tridosha          -           Satwa, Raja, Tama

Trigona            -           Satwa, Raja, Tama

Trishakti          -           Kaam, Krodha, Loobha

Tribidha           -           Manasika, Rajashika, Tamshika

Tritapa             -           Cogh, Pitta, Batta

Trifalaa            -           Harida, Bahada, Anhala

Trikaala           -           Present, Past, Future

Trisandhya      -           Usha, Madhyanha, Sayn

Tribidhi           -           Truth, Nonviolance, Religion

Tripatha           -           Land, Water, Air

Tristate            -           Solid, Liquid, Gas

Triguru            -           Teacher, Guider, Parent

Triruna             -           Pitruruna, Gururuna, Devruna

Tridaan            -           Cattle, Daughter, Land

Triveni             -           Ganga, Yamuna, Saraswati (Sangam)

Tri colors         -           Red, Green, Yellow

Triages             -           Child, Young, Old

Triangle           -           Consists of 3 angles and sides

Three (3) Things in the World:-

3 things never forget                           -           Parent’s Loan, Teacher’s loan, God’s loan

3 things never get back                       -           Sentence, Arrow, Life

3 things not to forget                          -           Duty, Deases, Due

3 things not wait for other                  -           Time, Death, Costumer

3 things should be control                   -           Brain, Indriya, Word

3 things should be control                   -           Tongue, Anger, Duty

3 things should be hate                       -           Drinking, Gambling, Smoking

3 things should be inside                    -           Wife, Food, Wealth

3 things should get respect                 -           Old, Religion, Law

3 things come once in life                   -           Mother, Father, Sex

3 things are common to Indian           -           Cast, Creed, Religion


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