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23 December 2012


The good man makes no distinction between friend and foe, brother and stranger, but regards them all with impartiality. A true friend will be sympathetic to you at all times.

A friend is a great treasure and should be cherished as a brother. One should make good men his closest friends, his brothers.

 CONFUCIANISM****************Friendship and brotherhood are the cardinal virtues. One should gather about many friends and should love them as brothers. The wise man will choose friends worthy of brotherly love.

All men are brothers. If one has anything against one's brother, he should make his peace with him before attending to other religious duties. As one treats a brother, so does he treat God? To hate one's brother is evil. Brotherly love should rule the World.

God has made all men brothers and they should live together as brothers at all times. It is good for men to act in unity as brothers. Such action will be blessed by God and will prosper.

 JAINISM*********Be fair and impartial to all. Treat all men as brothers at all times. As one treats men, so should he treat all animals? They are also our brothers.

All mankind is one family, one people. All men are brothers one should live as such. The Lord loves those who live so.

Get together, my brethren, and remove all misunderstandings through regard for each other.

Heaven is the father and earth the mother of all men. Therefore, all men are brothers and should dwell together as such. By so living the country will be free from hate and sorrow.

The spirit of brotherhood, kindness is necessary in one would win friends. The spirit of the market, where men sell goods, should not be the spirit of the Goodman.

One's friends should be holy people. A holy man will radiate holiness to all his friends.

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